My Work

Here are a few of my latest projects!

redbird login page


A Full-Stack Song Catalog Mangement App

Handlebars | Express | Node | JS | MongoDB

Team Task

A Full-Stack Team todo-list management App

EJS | Express | Node | JS | MongoDB

Tyree Music and Arts

A simple website for a local Music School.


US Garden Zones

An App for finding your Garden Zone by zip Code using the Frostline API.


About me...

I am a Full-Stack Web Developer with experience as a professional Musician and Songwriter. I am extraordinarily passionate about community building, problem-solving, and communication. In my past work within the Music Industry, I have designed responsive websites for touring bands and venues, produced comprehensive and structured programs for large Non-profits, and have succeeded under tight schedules with immense pressure and strict deadlines.

After having my second child during the pandemic, I wanted to take time off the road to explore my love for web design. I quickly learned that my organizational skills, love of learning, and eye for design helped me to succeed in full-stack web development.

I have a curiosity about how things work and why things happen. I thrive on building something to see the end result. It has helped me become a strong songwriter, and now it has helped me become an efficient developer.

Lets Connect!

I am currently accepting new freelance clients and looking for full-time Sofware Engineering Roles

Email me at:
or send me a message below: